Strategic Thinking

Strategic Thinking – understanding complex systems

2-day course duration

Skillful strategic thinking helps people to strengthen their ability to guide others well in big picture thinking and decision-making. It enables people to deliver sustainable results. This type of thinking is critical to align decision-making and processes with strategic goals. Strategic Thinking answers the question, “Where are we going, and what goals and steps will most likely help us get there?”

Competencies developed

  • Understanding the Value Chain from vendors to customers for your company
  • Strategic leadership
  • Ability to understand the “big picture” while decision making
  • Discovering your organizations Best DNA (what it does best to add value)
  • Aligning processes with corporate goals and Best DNA
  • Stakeholder awareness and buy-in
  • Environmental Assessment
  • Discovering an organization’s Best DNA, and how to increase passion and performance

We can customize this training to your specific needs, group size and goals.