Matchbox Cares

Help us energize children’s lives!

Because of his own troubled childhood, our CEO, Bob Faw, is deeply fulfilled giving a hand to agencies that make a difference in the lives of troubled youth. Here are a few of the agencies that we support and urge you to as well  We provide energizing events, strategic planning, training and team building as well as money. What can you contribute to help worthy children get a better chance in life?

The Front Door Agency
Bob’s note: This agency has a rich history of helping individuals and families in the greater Nashua area transition from crisis to self-sufficiency by providing a hand-up opportunity to those at risk of homelessness. I shed a tear every time I hear one of their graduates talk about their successes since their time at the Front Door.

It has been an honor and a privilege to facilitate strategic planning with this transformational agency.

New Hampshire Department of Children, Youth and Families
Bob’s note: These folks are using cutting edge strength-based development to help youth gain resilience quickly, and to help families that are falling apart strengthen and even flourish! I’m proud that they are ahead of all the other states in a number of key success metrics. I’ve been deeply moved to provide Resilience trainings and Keynote speeches to this skillful and altruistic group.

Bob’s note: This wonderful agency helps victims of domestic and sexual abuse find the medical and emotional help they need. It’s been a pleasure and honor to provide trainings to their advocates on calming and energizing their clients. This is truly a life-saving agency.


Matchbox Cares

If you work for a nonprofit with a mission based around helping troubled kids and you’re within Boston, or near it’s public transportation, feel free to give Bob a call to inquire about a free Energize presentation to motivate and inspire your team.

Learn more about Bob’s work with The Front Door Agency:  Best DNA Front Door story video