Inspiring Videos

Enjoy watching these inspiring videos

  1. Feedback biting you in the … backside? Try feedforward instead
  2. Motivate! Tap into that inner drive that we all have.
  3. ENERGIZE! Interview. Bob Faw interviewed by Tom Raffio
  4. Energize! Ignite Passion & Performance with User Friendly Brain Tools
  5. Influencing Your Inner Movie – The Thinker and the Caveman
  6. Learn Tips From the Best Companies to Work For
  7. Best DNA in Strategic Planning – The Front Door Story
  8. Discover Your Agency’s Best DNA – For Positive Change
  9. Creating Passion for Change
  10. Using Best DNA to Help Determine Your Personal Brand

Feedback biting you in the … backside?
Try feedforward instead

Motivate! Tap into that inner drive that we all have.

Bob Faw is teaching people how to apply some of the lessons from “Drive”, by Daniel Pink.
Specifically how to use intrinsic motivators to increase passion and performance.
Intrinsic motivators are the positive internal drives that passionately lead us to excellence.

ENERGIZE! Interview. Bob Faw interviewed by Tom Raffio

Tune in for this engaging discussion about how to energize yourself and others.
This interview discusses the lessons from “Energize — Ignite Passion & Performance with
User Friendly Brain Tools”.
The author, Bob Faw, is interviewed on NEDD Radio
by Tom Raffio, head of Northeast Delta Dental

Energize! Ignite Passion & Performance with User
Friendly Brain Tools

Learn secrets of motivation being unlocked by researchers. Bob Faw has turned
these scientific insights into tried and true tools. He’s taught these simple tools to
many thousands of people around the world.

Energize others.
Leaders, use Energize to motivate your teams. Jam-pack your communication with
these tools to calm fears, energize passion, and convince people. Even influence
those you have little power over using these neuroscience nuggets. Become a
master of motivation. Ignite passion for goals, involve people in meaningful ways,
and inspire the action you need.
Energize yourself.

Be the best of who you are, by learning to “prime” your brain to get your brain
chemistry on your side. Use Energize to move from being your own worst enemy
to increasing confidence. Change the old limiting stories playing in your head, to
“inner movies” that supercharge you for success. Rewrite your “inner autobiography”
to broaden your horizons.


Influencing Your Inner Movie – the Thinker and
the Caveman

Highly successful people have more self-control, and are better at influencing others.
This video talks about a powerful way to increase both of these skills.

Learn Tips From the Best Companies to Work For

What does it take to be “the Best?” How can you create an environment that is productive,
profitable, AND people want to work there? What is the return people see on their investment
in such an optimal culture?  Discover your company’s Best DNA. Build your culture around it,
and create your strategy on it.”

Matchbox Group interviewed people in the 10 best companies to work for in NH. See what they have to say in this dynamic video.


Best DNA in Strategic Planning – The Front Door Story

This is a story of an amazing organization using positive change techniques in strategic planning.
Learn from the staff, board and clients about how using the Best DNA process helped them find
out the best of who they are and even rebrand to reflect that.

Get on the Road – For a Change

Your organization is like a vehicle taking you on an ever-changing journey.  Hopefully you are
moving towards destinations that bring you increased profitability, sustainability, morale, and reputation.

Creating Passion for Change

It is critical to partner with leadership to ensure they will provide the necessary resources and
motivation. Help them by igniting passion for their goals in your communication with them and
others. Help them identify the quickest path to reach those goals. Start communications stating
the benefits to the group you are communicating with. Build on the best of your organization’s DNA.

Using Best DNA to Help Determine Your Personal Brand

The Caveman and the Thinker – using fun brain science and your Best DNA to create a dynamic personal brand.

Bob Faw interviewed by Personal Brand Mechanic Peter Sterlacci